John Jerald De Chavez

Deploy AdonisJS with SQLite on

This guide provides instructions for deploying an AdonisJS with SQLite application on

Deploying an AdonisJS application is no different from deploying a standard Node.js application. You just have to keep a few things in mind:

You can build your project for production by running the following ace command. Learn more about the TypeScript build process.


Launch App

fly launch helps us to initialize our application. In every fly launch application it uses a fly.toml file to tell the system how to deploy it.

The fly.toml file can be automatically generated by fly launch command, and prompt question on how to setup your application.

Run: fly launch

After that, fly launch command would generate some files like Dockerfile, docker-entrypoints.js, and fly.toml

We need also to update fly.toml to migrate your migrations by experimental.

app = "your-app"
primary_region = "sin"

  cmd = [""]
  entrypoint = ["sh"]

  DB_CONNECTION = "sqlite"

  source = "data"
  destination = "/data"

  internal_port = 3000
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = true
  auto_start_machines = true
  min_machines_running = 0
  processes = ["app"]

As you can see we have experimental section on our fly.toml and we need to create shell script in order to execute our entry point.

On script add:


set -ex
node /app/build/ace migration:run --force
node /app/build/server.js

Defining environment variables

Before deploying your application, we need to define environment variables through fly secrets set command. Some environment variables are already defined on Dockerfile, and we need to update our DATBASE_URL to "/data/app.db".

    DATABASE_URL="/data/app.db" \
    DRIVE_DISK="local" \
    HOST="" \
    PORT="3000" \

We need to update SQLite "connections.sqlite.connection.filename" on config/database.ts. You can update like this:

filename: ['test', 'development'].includes(Env.get('NODE_ENV'))
  ? Application.tmpPath(Env.get('app.db'))
  : Env.get('DATABASE_URL'),

Also, when we're deploying Adonis application, we should generate APP_KEY because it used for all encryption data, cookie, and sessions. To generate a new APP_KEY, we need to execute node ace generate:key and copy the generated key.

Run fly secrets set command to define your environment variables.

fly secrets set APP_KEY=generated-key SOME_ENV=some-env OTHER_KEYS=other-keys

Deploy your application

When you're done defining environment variables and modified some database config. Finally, you can run the fly deploy command in order to deploy your application to

You can monitor your application on dashboard, and you can check if there's an error or success.

I hope this guide help you to deploy your AdonisJS with SQLite on You can check some common issue section that I also encountered during the experiment.

Common Issues

If you're encounter some problem like this:

`error umounting /data: EBUSY: Device or resource busy, retrying in a bit`

Solution: fly apps restart app-name
